Fact Sheet

Location: The Hawth (Studio)
Date Monday 23rd June 2008
Set up:
8:30 pm
Clear up:
8:30pm – 9

Number of Awards:25

Names of award categories:

1. Best Horror Trailer (Btec First only) 1 award

2. Best Thriller A and B (Btec 1st years only) 2 awards

3. Best Factual Program (Btec 2nd years only) 1 Award

4. Best Music video (Btec 2nd years only) 1 Award

5. Best Experimental video A and B (Btec 1st years only) 2 Awards

6. Best Sound/radio piece (First, Year 1 and Year 2 Students?) 3 Awards (Tutor voted)

7. Best Post-production (Editing) (First, Year 1 and Year 2 Students) 3 awards (Tutor voted)

8. Best cinematography (First, Year 1 and Year 2 Student) 3 awards (Tutor voted)

9. Most Promising Journalist (First, Year 1 and Year 2 Students?) 3 Awards (Tutor Voted)

10. Most hard working student (First, Year 1 and Year 2 Student? 3 awards (Tutor Voted)

11. Students with outstanding contribution (3 awards) (Tutor Voted)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Final advert and awards evening evaluation

For this evaluation you will need to critically evaluate your own work towards the adverts and your management role in the awards evening. You need to reference your professional practice. You will need to express your ideas fluently using subject terminology. To help you use the following three sections.

1. Firstly you will need to discuss the how the following constraints, Legal, Regulatory/professional and financial, affected both your adverts and your role in the building up to and your role on the evening itself.

, was there anything that you want to create for the advert or awards evening that you could not do for legal reasons. Give examples. (min 50 words)

Regulatory/professional, Was there anything that constrained your advert or work towards the awards evening that were Regulatory/professional reasons, i.e. think of the age group attending, the constraints of the venue, the college you where representing etc, (min 50 words)

Financial, was there anything that you wanted to do that you could not on financial grounds, think of the budgets that you did for the adverts and also anything that you wanted for the evening that could not happen due to lack of funds. (min 50 words)

2. The next stage is Management and time management. You will need to discuss in this section the following points.

Leadership, how well and at which points did you lead the group in achieving a finished product? Evaluate what you contributed and how it was successful/unsuccessful? (50 words)

Communications/meeting requirements. Did you hold meetings and communicate your ideas across to other group members? How well did you do this, what did you do? Give examples. (50 words)

Achieving agreed outcomes/working to timescales. What time scales were set in you adverts or roles working towards the evening? Did you meet those timescales? Give examples and discuss methods you may have used i.e. deadlines, time plans etc. (50 words)
Recommendations for future tasks. If you were to do the adverts and evening again what would you do differently next time?

3. What verbal or written feed back have you had from you adverts and the awards evening? Do you believe that your final contribution towards the adverts and awards evening would be acceptable in a professional work place? Explain why with your own examples. (Min 100 words)

The evaluation will need to be completed along with all other work for the brief by the end of your lesson on Thursday 26th June.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The video Pitch

For this task you, individually or as a small production group need to record a video presentation of how you will go about creating the adverts for the awards evening. you will need to discuss the following items.
  1. Content outline: What the advert might look like and why
  2. Discuss in some detail your target audience. Plus research into what an audience is
  3. Details of the resources you require for the project
  4. Details of the personnel required including their job descriptions. Task definitions and deadlines
  5. A Budget for the project assuming that you would have to hire all equipment and crew time.

The pitch will need to be recorded by the end of next Tuesdays' lesson, you will need to establish as evidence what items you produced in creating the final pitch. Remember you also will need to justify the areas that you have managed as part of this whole project, either the advert or the event itself.

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's time to Vote!

For the Best Btec First Horror trailer look at the entries at the following address, http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=EE6443D040B47BAC, Then vote on Blackboard/Media Survey/External links

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Job Roles 2 (For the night)

Shaheen, Sam, Luci, Joan

Becky, Kat

Leon, Rob, Joel

Live Team
Josh, Andy, Alex, Gary, James, Kameron, Luke, Bobby, Katie

Stage manager
Sharon, Ben

Makeup and hair
Sharon, Emma

Job roles 1(building up to the event)

Marketing team
Nicky, Robin, Emma, Ben, Anirban

Josh, Luci

Post-Production Team
Alex, Andy, James, Katie, Bobby, Luke, Joel, Joan


Set Design
Shaheen, Sam, Becky, Gary

Project Managers
Leon, Josh, Kameron, Rob

The Pitch

You will need pitch your idea of how you will complete the identified brief. This plan will need to include your solutions to the requirements and constraints of the brief. You will need to show examples of your research detailing how your own adverts will meet with professional standards with both creativity and flair.

The pitch can be done in groups and will need to contain the following aspects.

Treatment including evidence of how you will meet the requirements and constraints of the brief
Production Schedule or Timeline
Diary (blog posts of lessons)
Meeting notes
Justification of your role managing the project
Story boards
Layout designs (presented with alternative layouts min of two)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Requirements of the brief

Firstly you need to identify all of the elements that are required of you to complete both adverts?

1. say what the requirements are (Look at the assignment)
2. How you will achieve them (Treatment)
3. How long it will take (Time plan, Calender of activities)
4. when will each element be complete.(Set your own deadlines)

Evidence for this includes
• Meeting notes
• Time plan
• Blog diary
• answers to questions above.
• group roles
• individual role

Have copies of some or all of the evidence before staring on the practicle for the secound option.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Task 2. Pre- Production

You will need to create a least two adverts one will be a poster and the other can be a group project from one of the following formats

• A Radio advert
• An audio visual Web advert
• A Leaflet or printed advertorial

You must each create a poster and in small groups (3max)work on one of the other mediums showing both creativity and flair.
This assignment is assessed individually. It is very important that you undertake a management role as part of this assignment. You need to identify your role when producing the advert. Make sure that you document individually the areas that you personally managed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 Research

For this task I want you to research into different events that are happening locally, nationally and internationally. Look for and note the following

The look and concept of the advertising?
Who the audience is?
what details are given?
What type of event it is i.e. 1 day etc

Create links to the sites that you have looked at. Remember to get into the habit of adding posts about what you do in each lesson. your first post could be analysing some of the event advertising and answering the points above.